25th Anniversary of Australia’s Liberation of Timor-Leste – Lest we forget.

25th Anniversary of Australia’s Liberation of Timor-Leste

Today marks 25 years since the Australian-led mission commenced on the 20th of September 1999, bringing hope, peace, and freedom to the people of Timor-Leste after years of conflict and oppression. It was on this day that Australian troops, as part of INTERFET, took the lead in restoring peace and order, standing alongside the Timorese in their struggle for independence.

This mission demonstrated Australia’s commitment to justice, security, and human rights in our region. Our brave men and women in uniform worked tirelessly, facing incredible challenges, but their efforts helped pave the way for Timor-Leste’s independence, celebrated today as one of the youngest and most resilient nations in the world.

As we reflect on this historic event, we remember the courage of the Timorese people, the dedication of our troops, and the international cooperation that made liberation possible. We honour those who served and those who sacrificed, ensuring that future generations in Timor-Leste could enjoy the freedom and peace that was hard-won.

Today, let’s take a moment to reflect on the significance of this mission and its lasting legacy in shaping the bond between Australia and Timor-Leste.

Lest we forget.

#TimorLeste #Australia #INTERFET #Peace #Freedom #Anniversary

Please help support one of our own, Dean Harris, during his recovery – every little bit helps – via GoFundMe or the club.

Help Support Dean Harris During His Recovery

We are reaching out to ask for your support for one of our own, Dean Harris, a beloved member of our bar staff and a valued part of the community. Recently, Dean suffered a severe injury while surfing at Evans Head, breaking his neck in a tragic accident. While his injuries were millimeters from being fatal, we’re grateful he’s still with us.

Unfortunately, Dean is unable to work while he focuses on his recovery, but like all of us, he still has regular expenses that need to be covered.

If you would like to donate and support Dean, you can do so through the GoFundMe page below, or by making a contribution at the Club.

👉 https://www.gofundme.com/f/kurhn7

Every little bit helps, and we truly appreciate any support you can give. Let’s come together as a community to help Dean through this tough time!

#SupportDeanHarris #CommunityStrong #HelpDeanRecover #EvansHeadStrong